In the spirit of directing your attention to the most recent stuff first, here’s our set from Godney Gathering, 2023, recorded from the desk and broadcast by Apple Radio – thanks guys!
In late 2022, we started some recording at NAM Studios in Holt, with producer Tyler Spicer, and here’s some songs that came out of those sessions – we were originally going to put these together as a new album, but frankly the costs involved are just too much at the moment, so we decided to put them out individually, hope you like listening to them as much as we like playing them!
The most recently released are at the top, so here goes:
This is ‘No Chance for a Slow Dance’
This is ‘Fallen Queen’
This is ‘So the Story Grows’
This is ‘All Hail the Clown’
Here’s ‘Be it Good, Be it Bad’
This is ‘Part of the Show’
Here’s the first one released, it’s called ‘Follow My Road’, and features the lead guitar work of Robbie Fawcett, who played with us until October ’22. Nice work, Robbie!
The latest currently available full CD album is ‘Ticket to Somewhere’ (2016), which is still available to buy as CD or download from Bandcamp.
Recorded at Bristol’s legendary Alma Vale Studio, engineered and mixed by Luke Cawthra and mastered by Maurice Dickson at Mo Music, here’s a little sample as uploaded to Soundcloud. Enjoy!
The whole 14 track album is available for only £5 +P&P as CD (or Digital Download in a choice of formats for £5) – please head over to our Bandcamp site where you can order it!
(You can also stream it there to listen to it, if Soundcloud doesn’t float your boat…)

As part of the process of recording the recent songs at NAM, we listened back to some of our older recordings, which we haven’t made available for a long time now, as we didn’t think there was much point in putting out old songs that we don’t play anymore, with old lineups that don’t really represent what we sound like now… but actually there’s some material on those old albums that we’re pretty proud of, and it seemed a shame that nobody could hear them, so we had a change of heart, and have decided to put them out there after all – if you want to hear them, check out our Soundcloud page, or you could even go mad and buy ’em on Bandcamp!