So, after an eventful 2022, there’s no rest for the wicked – straight back into it, with 2 gigs in January, and a brand new mandolin/guitar player in the shape of Tim Blake – well, not quite brand new, as you can see him coyly hiding behind his mandolin in this photo from the early nineties..! Yes, after a short break of a mere quarter of a century, we’ve enticed him back into the fold with promises of riches, fame, and… OK, so we lied. Welcome back, Tim!
There’s more new songs in the pipeline, the first one, ‘Follow My Road’ is now out – listen to it in the link over to the right, there – all recorded at the lovely NAM Studio in Holt, under the watchful eye of engineer and producer Tyler Spicer. We’re really pleased with how they’re turning out!
Festivals are also back on the agenda – Bradford Roots in January, Lechlade in May, and in July, we’re playing the Godney Gathering, which is a big one for us!
Busy busy busy, see you down the road!