calling all banjoplayers!

Sadly it seems we have to say goodbye to Johnny Gould, our banjoplayer for the last couple of years.
He’s been struggling with other commitments for a while now and is having to spend a lot of his time in Denmark for the foreseeable future, which makes rehearsing and gigging well-nigh impossible, so he’s regretfully decided to call it a day. Thanks for all the hard work you’ve put in, Johnny, at all the gigs and of course on the last album – you’ll be missed, not only on the banjo but in the vocals department as well!

So… we need a new banjoist, pronto! Ideally, we’re looking for a 5-string player, and it would really help if you can sing as well. If that sounds like you, or you know of someone who might be interested and you think would fit in, please put us in touch!

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